Carolyn will have a feature in Oxygen Magazine’s October 2012 issue on how nutrition, exercise, consistent sleep patterns and overall healthful lifestyle choices can boost your immunity and keep you healthier all year long! Don’t forget to pick up your copy of the October Oxygen Magazine!
Sneak Peak Questions and Answers
Question 1
Although exercise can be good for boosting immunity to colds, flus and viruses, it can also sometimes cause immunity to be compromised, especially if we overdo it. How do you feel about this? Do you have any tips for training in a way that can boost the immune system rather than compromise it?
Answer 1
Yes you have to let your body recover with one day off a week and also get ample rest and great consistent nutrition. A balance between strength, endurance and cardiovascular helps to give the body all components you need. Do not focus on just one of those areas and replicate back to back days, but rather it is a strategic formula to balance between the weight room, cardio, yoga and other forms of activity. Visit for more tips.
Question 2
Lifting weights has also been found to help boost the immune system, but in the past it was thought that only cardio did this. Do you have any tips for people who focus on cardio about making strength training a more regular part of their routine?
Answer 2
you will not build lean muscle tissue if you don’t lift. Lean muscle tissue increases your basal metabolic rate and makes you more fit, toned and strong. Many do not release that muscle weighs more than fat but takes up less space and also naturally burns more calories. It truly is best thing you can do for your body- build lean muscle tissue ! and keep your cardio in there as well! It is essential part of the fitness and wellness equation. For more tips visit
Question 3
Do you think people should train if they feel like they’re sick or coming down with something? Any guidelines?